Michelson Interferometer

Brand Name :DSS


It is generally seen while working on this instrument
that it is difficult, time consuming & tricky to locate
the interference fringes. Taking into consideration
this fact, MTECH has highly improved the existing
version in their new design exclusively for trouble
free performance. Instead of jumbling with 6
adjustment screws in the conventional design,
MTECH are provided with only 2 adjustment
screws at the back of the mirror M2. Mirror M1,
beam splitter G1 & compensator G2 are factory
adjusted and never to be tampered
Technical Specifications:-
1. Supported on a stable metal stand.
2. High quality front coated silver mirrors of λ/10 accuracy are employed. Mirror M1 & M2
(32mmx32mmx7mm). G1 & G2 (50mmx38mmx7mm)
3. All adjustments to locate the fringes are done by two knurled screws provided at the back of
mirror M2. Top screw moves the mirror is the vertical plain and the side screw in the horizontal
plain. Two more spring loaded screws under M2 are also provided for fine adjustments of fringes
while removing parallax.
4. Distance moved by mirror M1 is read on circular scale inside the front box (least count .01mm)
and on micrometer scale on the right side of the box (least count.0001mm). A linear mm scale
is also provided on the right side of the mirror M1 to position it properly.

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